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Laboratory of Advanced Detector Development

The Laboratory for Advanced Detector Development (LADD) is a joint venture between TRIUMF/UBC and the University of Montreal. It will provide infrastructure to support radiation imaging research in fields such as high energy and nuclear physics, materials and astrophysical sciences, and medical imaging applications.

The Laboratory for Advanced Detector Development (LADD) is funded by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the BC Knowledge Development Fund, the Quebec Ministry of Education, UBC, TRIUMF, and the University of Montreal. Infrastructure used to support radiation imaging research will be built at TRIUMF and at the University of Montreal.

TRIUMF is Canada's national laboratory for sub-atomic physics and is the principal LADD facility. LADD infrastructure at TRIUMF will support the development of new types of imaging detectors and systems for gamma rays and charged particles. These detectors are key components in fundamental physics experiments and in industrial and medical imaging applications.

The University of Montreal LADD facility will be used to develop detecting media for Compton cameras, develop semiconductor detectors, explore the use of droplet detectors, and develop infrared detectors and cryogenic optics for use in astronomical instrumentation.

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« September 2024 »